Financial Risk Assessment
It is an evaluation of an individual’s willingness to take risks, as well as the threats to which he is exposed. It is important for determining a proper investment asset allocation for a portfolio as a way to mitigate potential risks and threats. It identifies the acceptable level of risk an individual is prepared to accept. There is always a gap between the risk tolerance and the risk associated with the return required, to achieve their cash flow requirements. The trade-off between risk and return is the balance between the lowest possible risk and the highest possible return. So in this module we provide you most comprehensive and objective risk management analysis and keeping it in sync with any changes in your financial situation & cash flow requirements.
Risk Profiling &
Asset Allocation
A Risk profiling allows us to understand the natural risk tolerance of the client and accordingly design an investment strategy through a financial plan that manages the clients risk/return expectations and also try to achieve their financial objectives. Based on Risk Tolerance Report, we shall advise the suitable Asset Allocation between the growth & defensive assets and the categories within the securities, which best suits the client’s needs. In this module we make strategies according to your risk profile & time horizon and allocate your investments in line with your goals between the asset classes.
Analysis of Personal
Financial Ratios
Application of ratio analysis technique provides insight into specific strengths and weaknesses of a financial situation. In this module we use personal financial ratios to determine and evaluate the client’s financial situation. The ratios help investors to take correct investment decisions.
Contingency reserve is a reserve of money set aside to cover possible unforeseen future expenses. We shall help the client to set aside the fund for emergencies and unforeseen events.
Insurance Planning
In terms of financial planning, covering life risk means insuring the life of the person through proper life insurance plan. It is extremely important that every person, especially the breadwinner, covers the risks to his life, so that his family’s quality of life does not undergo any drastic change in case of an unfortunate eventuality. The adequacy of coverage concerns how well your insurance policies protect your life & assets against unforeseen events. In order to evaluate the adequacy of your insurance coverage, we consider many different loss scenarios and judge whether your insurance coverage is sufficient or not and advise you accordingly.
Personal Tax Planning
It is the analysis of one’s financial situation from a tax efficiency point of view so as to plan one’s finances in the most optimized manner making the best use of the various tax exemptions, deductions and benefits to minimize the tax liability over a financial year while ensuring that your investments are in line with your long term goals.
Goal Based Investment Planning
Goal Based investment planning provides a clear, straight forward process for identifying goals, choosing investment strategies to meet them and measure progress towards them. It is a process where the client goals are kept in focus & a blueprint is created after taking into account their various factors impacting them so that the salient goals are achieved in the time frames needed. The goal-based plan provides clarity about future cash flow requirements and suggests a plan of action with which one could comfortably meet the financial goals in a planned manner. This differs from conventional investing methodologies where it involves measuring the progress towards the specific life goals rather than focusing on generating the highest possible portfolio return or beating the market. The approach is to fund a personal financial goal.
Portfolio Asset Allocation Review
Asset allocation is the process of spreading or diversifying your investments across the different asset classes like debt, equity , gold, real estate, to minimise the risk of all your investments falling in value at the same time, and to maximise the potential for smoother, and therefore higher, compounded returns.
In this module, we evaluate the Current Asset allocation as per the clients existing assets and advice on the required target asset allocation to achieve the cash flow requirements by deriving a trade-off between the required variable rate of return and the corresponding risk tolerance. To reach this target asset allocation whether immediately or over a period of time, we provide a rebalance report of one year.
Net-worth Analysis
A net worth statement is designed to provide the picture of your financial soundness. The statement records value of all your current assets and liabilities. The amount by which the value of the assets exceeds the liabilities is the net worth of individual.
We project year on year growth in your corpus after adjusting all your assets & liabilities till the life expectancy.
Annual Budgeting & Cash Flow Management
The budgeting is the summary of projected income and expenditure over the set period of time. It is an integral part of financial process.
Here, we are taking into account all your sources of inflows and assigning them to appropriate outflows / investments for the year. We are also finding out the net cash flows / surplus available to deploy for investments. The accuracy of the projection and the ability to stick to the budget will ultimately lead to the achievement of the client’s future cash flow requirements.
Life Cash Flow
Life cash flow helps you to understand how life events or decisions will impact your future finances. It gives a bird’s eye view of your financial status and the surplus/deficit of different stages of life. The projection illustrates the impact that any surpluses or shortages might have on the ability of the clients’ assets to last through life expectancy.